Smash Up
Smash Up, designed by Paul Peterson, is the Shufflebuilding game from Alderac Entertainment Group. In Smash Up players draft two faction decks, such as pirates, ninja, robots, zombies, and more, and combine them into a force to be reckoned with! When the game begins, players take turns drafting one of several faction decks.
Once each player has two decks, they shuffle them together, combining their distinct abilities into a unique 40-card deck. A random selection of Base cards are dealt to the table, and players use their decks to attempt to have the most power on a base when it is scored. It may sound simple, but how simple is it when the Zombie-Ninja deck Assassinates your minions then creates an Outbreak, loading the Base with minions from their discard pile? Or when the Pirate-Dinosaurs Full Sail onto the base with the mighty King Rex, whose massive power dwarfs that of other minions? Each combination gives a different experience, Pirate-Aliens play very different than Pirate-Zombies, and with 8 factions in the base set there are 64 combinations to try out and every expansion set increases the options exponentially! Pirates move cards around the table, keeping your opponents unbalanced. Ninjas strike from the shadows and steal victories from under their enemies' noses. Zombies refuse to stay in the discard pile, continually returning to the fight. Robots churn themselves off the factory line with frightening efficiency. Dinosaurs (with lasers) bring stunning power to the fight, dwarfing their opposition. Wizards use their arcane knowledge to secure whatever cards you may need at the time. Tricksters use their mischievous nature to make life extremely difficult for opponents. Aliens change the very nature of the battle, moving enemies about and manipulating the Base cards you fight for. Combine these groups into teams of two for various effects!
Smash Up contains 16 Base cards to compete over.