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HABA: Unicorn Gliterluck: Cloud Stacking


The five unicorns are often visited by friends in their cloud castle. And because they don’t have enough space there anymore, they have to build onto the castle. The players work together, with great finesse, in stacking the unicorns and clouds. If players can skillfully stack as well as collect all ten cloud crystals, then they all win together. Contents: 4 unicorns: Glitterluck (hot pink), Stardust (yellow), Marvel Flower (purple), and Magic Swirl (turquoise), 1 baby unicorn Rosalie (pink), 1 cloud castle, 5 large white clouds and 5 smaller blue clouds, 1 die, 1 cloud game board, 16 double sided cloud tiles, 10 cloud crystals, 1 set of instructions.

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